EAGLE TOWING EQUIPMENT Facing it all, together CALL US TODAY! 519.653.8441 ADDRESS 2455 Eagle St. N. Cambridge, ON WEBSITE eagletow.com From the archives: Simon Poladian, co-owner of Eagle Towing Equipment. Great businesses are forged in the fires of trying times. The auto industry that Eagle Towing entered when its doors opened in 1979 is not […]

E.L.V SELECT Having a positive attitude in 2022 is electrifying CALL US TODAY! 1.866.SEDA-ELV (733.2358) ADDRESS 8263 Wellington Rd. 18 Fergus Ontario N1M 2W5 WEBSITE elvselect.com Photo courtesy of A&L Auto Recyclers. ELV Select Equipment has started the year running, and what better place than right here to share some of its highlights? First off, […]

E.L.C. DISPATCH SOLUTIONS Let the experts handle it CALL US TODAY! 1 888 460 8697 ADDRESS 2215 Steeles Ave West Toronto, ON M3J 3N0 WEBSITE elctowingdispatch.com Led by founder and CEO Dara Carpenter, E.L.C. Dispatch Solutions offers fully customized solutions to meet its customers’ needs. The company was founded in 2015 with the goal of […]

COPART New Technology is Changing How Copart Interacts with People and the Planet CALL US TODAY! 905-238-9203 ADDRESS 1315 Pickering Pkwy Suite 215 Pickering ON L1V 7G5 WEBSITE copart.ca AS COPART WORKS TO DO ITS PART TO IMPROVE THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT, THE BUSINESS IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE OF A GLOBAL INDUSTRY. THE EXPORT MARKET […]

Car-Part.com Optimizing automotive circular economies in North America CALL US TODAY! 859-344-1925 ADDRESS 1980 Highland Pike Ft Wright, KY 41017 WEBSITE car-part.com The North American auto recycling industry is part of several circular economies that operate in parallel, provide synergy with each other, and drive positive feedback loops. These circular economies include: • The overall […]

THOROLD AUTOMOTIVE SOLUTIONS Fortieth anniversary marks a new name for Niagara-area business CALL US TODAY! 905-227-4118 1-800-263-4708 ADDRESS 1108 Beaverdams Road Thorold, ON L2V 3Y7 WEBSITE thoroldauto.com Left to right: Frank, Lenny and Marcella Serravalle. The past two years have been a time of rapid change for everyone, and many in our auto recycling industry […]

STANDARD AUTO WRECKERS Charity and auto recycling go hand in hand at Standard CALL US TODAY! 1-800-668-5014 ADDRESS 1216 Sewells Road Toronto, Ontario M1X1S1 WEBSITE standardautowreckers.com David Gold accepts a plaque confirming him as President of No Poverty No Disease No War, 2021-2023. It’s never a dull moment at Standard Auto Wreckers. No matter which […]

SASKATCHEWAN GOVERNMENT INSURANCE Verne Sebesten, Director Provincial Salvage Operations to retire CALL US TODAY! 1-844-TLK-2SGI (1-844-855-2744) ADDRESS 2260 – 11th Ave. Regina, SK S4P 0J9 WEBSITE sgi.sk.ca/salvage After 35 years of dedication to SGI’s Salvage Operations, Verne Sebesten will be retiring on July 1, 2022. Verne started with SGI on May 11, 1987. “To give […]

THE COMPLETE PACKAGE LKQ offers recycled and aftermarket parts, PBE supplies and much more CALL US TODAY! 1-800-747-0601 ADDRESS 3485 Steeles Ave. East Brampton, Ontario L8T 5W7 WEBSITE lkqcanada.ca/en LKQ Corporation, an S&P 500 company, was formed in 1998 through the acquisitions of wholesale recycler businesses and expanded into the aftermarket business in 2007 with […]

MILLER’S AUTO RECYCLING Adjusting and advancing CALL US TODAY! 1.800.263.8104 ADDRESS 1557 Bowen Road at QEW Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 5M4 WEBSITE millersauto.com Miller’s Auto Recycling of Fort Erie, Ontario, saw some of the worst 2021 had to offer, when it came to COVID—yet the business stood to gain some major ground in foreign markets […]