ARAAC approves two members at general meeting

Halifax, Nova Scotia — October 28, 2015 — Auto recyclers and industry associates recently gathered for the annual Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada (ARAAC) meeting where two new direct members were welcomed to the fold. “We have grown as an association and now have 32 direct members in ARAAC, in addition to our 10 […]
Dave Blayden: 1957 – 2015

Winnipeg, Manitoba — July 16, 2015 — It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dave Blayden, owner of Kildonan Auto Parts, at the age of 58 years. Blayden was a founding Board Member of the Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) representing the Automotive Recyclers of Manitoba (ARM) as far back as 1992 […]
Volleyball team sees tremendous support from auto recycling industry

By Steve Fletcher London, Ontario — June 17, 2015 — This season, the Forest City 15U Green Team from London, Ontario had a very successful volleyball season, in part due to good coaching, talented athletes, dedicated parents — and the support of the Canadian auto recycling industry. As Managing Director of the Automotive Recyclers of […]
Grants in Gear winners announced

Toronto, Ontario — May 14, 2015 The Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) and Summerhill Impact have announced the four winners of the Grants in Gear funding program. Each submission was evaluated by a five-member jury, looking for an applicant’s potential to achieve their stated environmental results and deliver against their proposed work plan and budget. […]
Summerhill Impact launches $120,000 crowd-funding campaign to clean Canada’s arctic

Toronto, Ontario — November, 17 — Summerhill Impact is aiming to help raise $120,000 by December 31 to fund arctic cleanup initiatives in Canada. The Toronto-based non-profit’s participation in the crowd-funding campaign joins the efforts of 14 partners across the country in bringing back end-of-life vehicles from the arctic through the Tundra Take-Back program. Developed […]
Atlantic auto recyclers hold annual meeting

A few shots from the Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada (ARAAC) 2014 Annual Meeting in Truro, Nova Scotia. By Melissa Hayes Truro, Nova Scotia — October 22, 2014 — Maritime members of the auto recycling industry gathered late last week for the Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada (ARAAC) […]
2014 International Roundtable on Auto Recycling brings industry together in Japan

By Melissa Hayes Kushiro, Japan – September 3, 2014 –The eighth annual International Roundtable on Auto Recycling (IRT) will once again give auto recyclers around the world a chance to come together to discuss improving the auto recycling industry on a global level. Held in Kushiro, Japan, the convention runs from October 1 […]