Setting Sights High: Europe aims to recycle 95 percent of the weight of ELVs

Amsterdam, Netherlands — In Europe, the automotive sector has been tasked with repurposing 95 percent of the weight of End of Life Vehicles (ELV). Ingrid Niessing, the CEO of the global membership organization ARN that focuses on the vehicle lifecycle, says that the company is extremely involved in helping Europe reach its goal and the […]
Boosting Battery Efforts: Researchers finding ways to recycle EV batteries in more eco-friendly and cost-effective way

London, England — Researchers have discovered new techniques that help to recycle electric vehicle batteries and cut down on carbon emissions and costs. The new technique involves reusing parts of the battery like nickel and cobalt, meaning that over EVs lifetime emissions would be reduced and there would be less of a dependency on China. […]
OARA You Ready: April 22 session to focus on buying, processing and inventorying cars

Toronto, Ontario — The third webinar in the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA) is scheduled for next Thursday, April 22 and will focus on buying, processing and inventorying cars. OARA’s virtual training series kicked off March 25 and features guest speakers from Profit Team Consulting, Rob Rainwater, Mike Kunkell and Lee Worman. The organization’s other […]
Scrap Stars: YouTube auto ‘picking’ show continues to rack up the views

Rochester, New York – The auto recycling industry is finally getting some of the star power it deserves as YouTube-based “picking” show “Totaled Treasure” released its second episode in late-December. Styled in a similar vein to shows like “Canadian Pickers” and “Storage Wars”, “Totaled Treasure” follows Vince Edivan and Aaron Stone as they travel across […]
Recyclers Ready: Auto Recycling Calendar of Events for 2020

Toronto, Ontario — Auto recyclers across Canada have had one wild year in the industry. From OARA’s exciting annual Convention and Trade Show in Mississauga to the SEMA show in Vegas, recyclers everywhere are mourning the ending of a fantastic year of networking, travelling, and connecting. But recyclers worry not. We have access to info […]
R-1234yf will be put in all new cars by 2021

By CRM Staff Toronto, Ontario — August 31, 2018 — The R-1234yf refrigerant is becoming more common in the air conditioning systems of vehicles, which means more time and money for collision repairers and insurers. Under an Environmental Protection Agency mandate, R-134a will be taken out and R1234yf will be put in all new cars […]
A new era in auto recycling

By CRM Staff Toronto, Ontario — August 31, 2018 — It’s no surprise that the auto recycling industry is being impacted as new technology advances wihtin vehicles. Kirk Cranley, an auto recycler for Ray Cranley Auto Recycles in Douro, Ont. explained that the business is just not the same. He said that it’s definitely slowing […]
Rubber Recycling Symposium heads to Niagara Falls

By CRM Staff Toronto, Ontario — August 2, 2018 —The Tire and Rubber Association of Canada biennial Rubber Recycling Symposium is fast approaching, set to get under way November 7 til 8 at the Sheraton on the Falls Hotel in Niagara Falls. The theme for this year’s event will be ‘taking sustainability to the next […]
Maintaining an online presence in the world of auto recycling

Toronto, Ontario — January 3, 3018 — In this day and age, an online presence along with a strong position within the social sphere is crucial for a successful business. Auto recyclers are no exceptions when it comes to the digital revolution. John Logel and Matt Jacobs of Logel’s Auto Parts, in Kitchener, Ontario, have […]
St. Thomas auto recycler changed by Africa mission trip

St. Thomas, Ontario — October 28, 2015 — The owner of McGregor Auto Parts recently returned from a compassionate and life-changing trip to Sierra Leone, Africa with the grassroots organization, Let Them Laugh Out Loud (LOL). Jeff McGregor had travelled to the West African country as part of a team to support a paediatrician from […]