Save the Date: Auto Recyclers of Canada to host EV/Hybrid webinar Nov. 4

Ottawa, Ontario — The Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) has been working on the implications to auto recyclers of the electrification of the Canadian fleet for almost two years now. Following lots of reading, seeking out experts, describing how the industry operates and may operate within a growing electric fleet economy, innumerable webinars, seminars and […]
ARC on the Big Screen: Steve Fletcher to deliver talk during IBISConnect USA

Toronto, Ontario — Got any lunch plans today? You better not, because Steve Fletcher, managing director of the Automotive Recyclers of Canada, is set to deliver a talk during the International Bodyshop Industry Symposium’s IBISConnect USA event. At 1:30 p.m., Fletcher will be speaking alongside Mario Dimovski, CEO of Plastifix, and John Chalifoux, president and […]
New Semester: releases September webinar schedule

Toronto, Ontario — All you auto recyclers pack up your glitter pens into your Fortnite backpacks, is sending you back to school this September. has a swath of new training webinars lined up for the month of September, covering the ins-and-outs of Car-Part’s many pieces of parts sourcing software. September’s webinar schedule from […]
Challenging Change: URG’s Educational Conference sees 600+ attendees

Dallas, Texas — If there’s one constant the automotive recycling industry can count on for the future, it is continuous change–and the United Recyclers Group (URG) supported that sentiment at its recent URG Educational Conference, held August 5 through 7 in Dallas, Texas. With more than 600 people in attendance, this year’s URG Educational Conference sessions […]
Behind the Bids: Progi’s three tips to guide auction bids

Trois-Rivières, Québec– On Tuesday, Progi released an article entitled “3 Factors to Guide Your Auction Bids” featuring the company’s tips on making cool-headed, informed buying decisions. Penned by Alexandre Rocheleau, Progi’s captain of marketing, the article is aimed to “address professional or amateur buyers who purchase vehicles to recycle them for profit.” Click here to […]
Panel Peril: SCRS releases tip video on repairs to recycled quarter panels

Toronto, Ontario — The Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) has been hard at work over the past few months producing weekly advice videos for collision repairers, with one particular late-July video touching on recycled quarter panels. The ongoing video series from SCRS, hosted by Collision Advice CEO Mike Anderson, reaches all aspects of the […]
No Substitutions: Subaru updates position statement on aftermarket parts, ‘does not approve’ of ROE parts

Toronto, Ontario — Subaru has released an update to its position statement on the use of alternative, recycled and salvaged parts in repairs on the company’s vehicles. “Subaru of America simply wants to be as clear as possible regarding its position on the proper repair of Subaru vehicles,” said Devin Wilcox, Subaru’s collision certification manager. […]
Setting a Gold Standard: Standard Auto Wreckers receives honour from Port Hope mayor

Port Hope, Ontario — David Gold, owner of Ontario’s Standard Auto Wreckers, was recently recognized by Port Hope Mayor Bob Sanderson for his company’s work in the local community. “In 2014 we began discussions [for Standard to open in Port Hope], and it’s only been positive since then,” said Sanderson. The mayor noted Standard Auto […]
Stand Up Speak Out: Evaluating EVs

Ramping Up Recycling: General Motors launches website for auto recycling

Toronto, Ontario — General Motors has launched a new website designed to educate people on how to remove and recycle batteries from its electric and hybrid vehicles. The website, called Recycle My Battery, was specifically designed for vehicle dismantlers who recycle end of life vehicles. The site provides information on how to disable and remove battery packs from […]