Just Jamie

Jamie Maillet is just getting started Like many auto recyclers, Jamie said JLM had a great 2021—and it’s only set to continue with the completion of several new projects in 2022. Jamie Maillet has spent most of her life in auto recycling. Even still, the daughter of Dave and Kathy McDonald, owners of Hamilton, Ontario’s […]

TECHEMET Reaping riches through smelting and refinement CALL US TODAY! 519-452-0007 ADDRESS 770 Wright St., Strathroy, ON 1521 Trinity Dr., Mississauga, ON WEBSITE techemet.com Techemet Headquarters, Pasadena TX Techemet is proudly one of the largest recyclers of platinumgroup metals in the world, processing millions of end-of-life catalytic converters each year. The company’s origins can be […]
PGM of Texas

PGM OF TEXAS METAL MADE FOR MORE Taking precious metals to their highest and best purpose CALL US TODAY! 1-844-271-9198 ADDRESS 2809 S, I-35, San Marcos, TX 78666, United States WEBSITE pgmoftexas.com PGM of Texas is a leader in the efficient reclamation of metals that are essential to the American way of life. Founded in […]
Dalbert Livingstone: On The Details

ARC chair delivers one-year updates In 2021, Dalbert Livingstone from Island Auto Supply was elected as Chair of the Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) Board of Directors. Canadian Auto Recyclers sat down with Dalbert to talk about the futureof the national association. Canadian Auto Recyclers: You have been in the Chairman’s role for 10 months […]

LACERO SOLUTIONS ‘Eyes on the prize’ is the motto for Lacero CALL US TODAY! (905) 824-5836 ADDRESS 2351 Royal Windsor Dr. Mississauga, ON L5J 4S7, Canada WEBSITE lacerosolutions.com While many of their counterparts in the industry are spending their time looking at their feet in the face of supply chain challenges, Lacero Solutions has its […]

JLM METAL RECYCLING AND AUTO PARTS It’s only up from here CALL US TODAY! Hagersville: 905-768-7000 Waterford: 519-443-7999 ADDRESS 1071 Concession 11 Townsend, Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0 250 County Road 20, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 WEBSITE jlmrecycling.ca Jamie Maillet was raised on auto recycling—her parents, Dave and Kathy McDonald have owned Hamilton, Ontario’s Bodyline Auto […]
Harvey Livingstone

A lifetime of firsts There are few people in the automotive world as influential to the development of an industry in their region as Harvey Livingstone; founder of Island Auto Supply, founding member of the Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada (ARAAC), and industry dynasty head. Harvey opened Island Auto Supply in 1966, in the […]
John Logel Sr.

Teamwork makes the dream work, and John Logel Sr. has the proof Why did the chicken cross the road? Because Clarence Logel bought the coop and turned it into a successful auto recycler. That may not be the punchline to the mysteriously classic joke, but it is the story to Logel’s Auto Parts in Kitchener, […]