E.L.C. SOLUTIONS EASY AS ELC CALL US TODAY! 1 888 460 8697 ADDRESS 2215 Steeles Ave West Toronto, ON M3J 3N0 WEBSITE elcsolutions.ca Simplify towing and logistics with ELC Solutions Led by founder and CEO Dara Carpenter, ELC Solutions provides fully customizable solutions that are catered to the unique needs of each individual client. Carpenter […]

SOLERA | HOLLANDER Synonymous with auto recycling CALL US TODAY! 800-825-0644 ADDRESS 700 N. 5th St Minneapolis, MN 55401 WEBSITE hollandersolutions.com With a rich legacy spanning over 90 years, Hollander Solutions has so solidified its position as a key player in the automotive recycling industry. Proudly backed by Solera, a global automotive industry solutions giant, […]

STARK AUTO SALES A STARK DIFFERENCE CALL US TODAY! 416-654-7222 ADDRESS 200 Benny Stark Street Toronto, ON M6N 3N4 WEBSITE starkautosales.com A future-forward family business With a beautiful website filled to the brim with high quality photos, Stark Auto Sales’ webpage is as engaging as the company it was built for. A family-owned business based […]

EAGLE TOWING EQUIPMENT TEAMWORK AND TOP-NOTCH EQUIPMENT CALL US TODAY! 519.653.8441 ADDRESS 2455 Eagle St. N. Cambridge, ON WEBSITE eagletow.com Eagle Towing Equipment continues to thrive With roots dating back to 1979, Eagle Towing Equipment has the know-how, strength and product offering to not only survive any challenges thrown its way, but thrive under unpredictable […]

COWAN ARE YOU INSURANCE READY? CALL US TODAY! 1 (866) 912-6926 ADDRESS 705 Fountain Street North PO Box 1510 Cambridge, ON N1R 5T2 WEBSITE cowangroup.ca/recyclers Ryan Burns is a Commercial Account Executive at Cowan Insurance Group. For more information on insuring recycling operations or to reach Ryan directly, email ryan.burns@cowangroup.ca. Position yourself for insurability Running […]
Cardinal Couriers

Cardinal Couriers Solutions in a flash CALL US TODAY! (800) 387-3199 ADDRESS 6600 Goreway Dr. Unit D Mississauga, ON L4V 1S6 WEBSITE cardinalcouriers.com Since 1978, Cardinal Couriers has earned a reputation for waking up with the farmers. Committed to making rural deliveries before 8 a.m., Cardinal doesn’t make the Ontario agricultural community waste time awaiting […]

COMMERCIAL FORMS RELIABLE AND READY CALL US TODAY! 800-233-0771 ADDRESS 3791 Old US 23, Suite 100 Brighton, MI 48114 WEBSITE commercialforms.com Commercial Forms Recycler Supply on providing top-notch service Under the leadership of President and CEO Brian Collins, Commercial Forms Recycler Supply has been in operation since 1988, filling the needs for a single supply […]

CALL2RECYCLE BATTERY PROCESSING WITH CALL2RECYCLE CALL US TODAY! 1-888-224-9764 ADDRESS 100 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 800. Toronto, ON M2N 6N5 EMAIL customerservice@call2recycle.ca Call2Recycle® is Canada’s leading organization for battery collection and recycling, fulfilling product stewardship obligations on behalf of over 400 members, including producers of single-use and rechargeable batteries. Call2Recycle powers Recycle Your Batteries, Canada!, […]

BUFFALO ENGINE COMPONENTS STREAMLINING THE SCRAP PROCESS CALL US TODAY! 716.893.2661 ADDRESS 1824 FILLMORE AVE BUFFALO NY 14214 EMAIL WEBSALES@BUFFALOENGINE.COM Joe Pellitieri, Marc Parisi, Jason Pellitieri, Andy Pellitieri and Rich Watkins Buffalo Engines is more than prepared for the dismantling process Buffalo Engine Components has been a leader in the automotive parts recycling industry since 1981. […]

ACTIVE METAL RECYCLERS INC INNOVATION INSIGHTS CALL US TODAY! 519-458-4242 or 905-870-8857 ADDRESS 9 Woodbury Lane, Princeton ON. WEBSITE activemetalrecyclers.com Active Metal Recyclers Inc. develops parts database for industry use While 2023 presented an economic slowdown related to inflation rates and a decline in the value of precious metals, for brothers Danny and Shanji Thanpal—co-owners […]