Melting Materials: New plastics recycling program announced by Audi

Toronto, Ontario – Audi has completed a pilot project to recycle mixed automotive plastic waste using a chemical auto recycling process. Together with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, Audi says it can take the many parts of a vehicle made of plastic into pyrolysis oil so that it can be used to make […]
Aging Autos: ARA encouraging use of ROE parts as vehicle ages rise

Manassas, Virginia — The Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) is wanting vehicle owners, insurance companies and repair facilities to increase their use of recycled original equipment (ROE) automotive parts because the age of light vehicles in operation on U.S. roads has risen to 12.1 years, according to IHS Market reports. Sandy Blalock, ARA executive director, says that […]
Final Push to the Starting Line: New Your Data. Your Choice petition to put data debate before the House, petition closes July 10

Ottawa, Ontario — The Automotive Industry Association of Canada is calling on the public for one last push to get the “Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.” campaign through the doors of the House of Commons. AIA Canada president Jean-Francois Champagne announced on Tuesday that the association is in need of 500 signatures on a […]
A Whole New World: Mitchell International on the changing landscape of automotive recycling

Toronto, Ontario — Mitchell’s second-quarter Industry Trends Report (ITR) for 2021 features a podcast with Ryan Mandell, director of Claims Performance and special guest Jeff Helget, vice president of Operations at B&R Auto Wrecking about the changing automotive recycling landscape. In the podcast, the two discuss how the automotive recycling industry is adapting to growing […]
On the Block: Profit Team Consulting breaks down block labour, warranties

Ottawa, Ontario — The Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association’s (OARA) latest virtual training session once again featured Mike Kunkel, Lee Worman and Rob Rainwater from Profit Team Consulting—this time answering some of the industry’s questions around block labour and part warranties. Worman said block labour warranties have the potential to solve a common percentage-based problem […]
Selfies in the Scrapyard: Auto wrecking facility becomes go-to location for photographers

Cardinal, Ontario — The Eastern Ontario Boneyard, an auto recycler in Cardinal, Ont., has become a hot-spot for photographers and Instagrammers searching for rare vintage vehicles. Unlike most auto wrecking facilities, the Eastern Ontario Boneyard prides itself on saving older cars with half of its stock dating back to 1950-1980. With its vast collection of […]
Precious Cargo: Police catch catalytic converter thieves red handed

Burnaby, British Columbia — Catalytic converter thieves were caught red-handed at a traffic stop by Burnaby police. The two men stopped by officers were already known to steal catalytic converters, and one was already told by the police previously that he wasn’t allowed to carry the cat-cutting tools. Burnaby police have since seized the tools […]
The Deal with Dismantling: OARA’s latest training session covers the keys to the post-buy process

Ottawa, Ontario — Last week’s OARA virtual training session, led once again by the gang from Profit Team Consulting took a turn to a more glossed-over segment of auto recycling training—what happens after the sale and the nitty-gritty of the dismantling process. “We always want to talk about sales,” Lee Worman of Profit Team Consulting […]
Green Machine: LKQ acquires EV battery business

Chicago, Illinois — LKQ Corporation is going green with its new announcement that it has gained the business and assets of Green Bean Battery Company. LKQ, a provider of alternative and specialty parts to repair and accessorize automobiles and other vehicles, has expanded by obtaining the battery company, which focuses on reconditioning and installing hybrid […]
Plastic Power: B.C. Recycling facility receives provincial funding

Burnaby, British Columbia — Reclaim Plastics, a recycling facility in BC has received provincial funding to help them divert hard to recycle automotive plastics from the landfill. The $667,000 in funding from the CleanBC Plastics Action Fund will be used to purchase technology that will make it easier to sort hard to recycle automotive plastics like […]