Web upgrades offers VIN locator, multiple part lookups

Toronto, Ontario — November 6, 2013 — Recent upgrades to association websites should make it easier than ever to source green recycled parts.

A sophisticated parts locator network already connects the inventory of hundreds of auto recyclers across the country. The new upgrades should make it easier than ever for collision repair and automotive service shops find the parts they need.”

The latest upgrades allow customers to locate parts based on Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), as well as allowing for multiple part lookups. The site still allows users to look up parts based on year and the make/model of the vehicle, but VIN lookups provide greater accuracy. Users simply plug in the VIN along with the parts they’re seeking, and the site instantly lets them know who has the right parts.

The websites for ARC, the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA) and the Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada (ARAAC) have all received the new upgrades. Users can experience the upgrades themselves at the links below.

ARC – autorecyclers.ca/find-green-recycled-parts/

OARA – oara.com/find-green-recycled-parts/

ARAAC – araac.ca/find-green-recycled-parts/



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