MCGREGOR AUTO PARTS ONE-STOP SHOP CALL US TODAY! 519-631-4801 ADDRESS 44267 Elm Line St.Thomas, ON N5P 3S6 WEBSITE Recycle, repair and more—McGregor’s Auto Parts offers comprehensive services for any automotive customer For more than 60 years, McGregor Auto Parts and its team of experts have been meeting the needs of customers throughout Elgin County […]

MCGREGOR AUTO PARTS BUY, BUY, BUY CALL US TODAY! 519-631-4801 ADDRESS 44267 Elm Line St.Thomas, ON N5P 3S6 WEBSITE McGregor brothers remain undaunted in the face of competitive auctions As far longstanding institutions in the Canadian auto recycling industry go, there are few that can say they hold the same achievements as McGregor’s Auto […]
St. Thomas auto recycler changed by Africa mission trip

St. Thomas, Ontario — October 28, 2015 — The owner of McGregor Auto Parts recently returned from a compassionate and life-changing trip to Sierra Leone, Africa with the grassroots organization, Let Them Laugh Out Loud (LOL). Jeff McGregor had travelled to the West African country as part of a team to support a paediatrician from […]