Save the Date: Auto Recyclers of Canada to host EV/Hybrid webinar Nov. 4

Ottawa, Ontario ⁠— The Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) has been working on the implications to auto recyclers of the electrification of the Canadian fleet for almost two years now.

Following lots of reading, seeking out experts, describing how the industry operates and may operate within a growing electric fleet economy, innumerable webinars, seminars and symposia, current and potential regulations–all to learn there is much more to learn.

“We have succeeded in a small way in putting the end-of-life issues relating to hybrid and electric vehicles on other people’s radar, as well as the radar of professional auto recyclers,” says Steve Fletcher, Managing Director of ARC. 

“We need to talk holistically about the entire EV, not just the battery, even though it is the new and dramatic element to this significant electrification juggernaut. Can these vehicles be safely and economically recovered, and their valuable resources used wisely? That is the question that has yet to be answered successfully.”

ARC is collaborating with U.K.-based Auto Recycling World because of their global presence, their international connections in the overall auto recycling sector, and their expertise in delivering educational webinars, said the organization.

“We’ve managed to line up some great speakers, and we are working on a few more areas of keen interest to auto recyclers as well as the complete supply chain within Canada. The response has been outstanding so far,” said Fletcher.

We have secured Joanna Kyriazis, Senior Policy Advisor with Clean Energy Canada who will provide an overview of EV Policy in Canada and help establish the scope of electrification and how auto recycling can fit in.

Ken Hendricks, Senior Advisor with the ARA Auto Recycling Division will discuss the state of education and training auto recyclers have available to them to safely dismantle these vehicles. 

Jeff Haltrecht, Executive Advisor with Call2Recycle will discuss battery storage, logistics, and processing costs.

Kunal Phalpher, Chief Commercial Officer with Li-cycle will discuss the state of the battery recycling sector.

Hans Eric Melin, Managing Director with Circular Energy Storage is recognized as a Global leader in tracking and analyzing the reuse and repurposing of EV batteries. Hans will bring his global views and experiences to the Canadian market and help identify potential next steps for the sector and allied industries.

Steve Fletcher, Managing Director of ARC will provide a summary of the state of the EV auto recycling industry in Canada along with results of an extensive survey of his Members on their knowledge, concerns and information gaps they currently see.

Further details will be posted to the Auto Recycling World website, and the Canadian Auto Recycler e-zine will have a front row seat in all developments to keep the industry informed, educated and ready to participate in this unique event.

The webinar is one of the first events to bring many of the stakeholders to the auto recycling industry together to talk about and hear the challenges and opportunities connected to electrification from the unique auto recycling perspective.


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