You are Canadian Auto Recycler

Seeing Canada’s automotive recyclers unite in solidarity and fare through this global crisis has been nothing short of inspiring. Life as we knew it became scrambled when the COVID-19 pandemic first gripped Canada last March. One of the annual events I cherish most, and the first grand meeting of 2020—the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association Convention and Trade Show—was cancelled.

When faced with disruption, we are given two choices: give up, or keep moving.

Canada’s auto recyclers chose the latter. Deemed an essential business, they carried on—many of them providing their crucial services to Canadian drivers in need. Beyond that, this community was there to support each other—as it always has been. In my many years working alongside our nation’s automotive recyclers, I’ve always been deeply motivated by the dedication these hardworking professionals bring to their trade. That is a fact I know will never change.

To every auto recycler out there giving it their all each and every day—I appreciate you. Canadian Auto Recyclers celebrates you. Without your passion, persistence and perseverance, this industry would be an entirely different world.

— Gloria Mann, Canadian Auto Recyclers Magazine

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