Setting a Gold Standard: Standard Auto Wreckers receives honour from Port Hope mayor

Port Hope, Ontario ⁠— David Gold, owner of Ontario’s Standard Auto Wreckers, was recently recognized by Port Hope Mayor Bob Sanderson for his company’s work in the local community. “In 2014 we began discussions [for Standard to open in Port Hope], and it’s only been positive since then,” said Sanderson. The mayor noted Standard Auto […]

Ramping Up Recycling: General Motors launches website for auto recycling

Toronto, Ontario — General Motors has launched a new website designed to educate people on how to remove and recycle batteries from its electric and hybrid vehicles. The website, called Recycle My Battery, was specifically designed for vehicle dismantlers who recycle end of life vehicles. The site provides information on how to disable and remove battery packs from […]

Close the Loop: Eastman, USAMP and PADNOS collaborate for fully circular recycling study in automotive market

Kingsport, Tennessee — Eastman, the United States Automotive Materials Partnership LLC (USAMP) and automotive recycler PADNOS announced yesterday that they are collaborating on a concept feasibility study to demonstrate a closed-loop project to recycle automotive-industry mixed plastic waste in the automotive supply chain.  When automobiles are at the end of their life, metals, tires, and glass account for […]

A Different Type of Twisted: Barrie, Ont. tornado results in total losses

Barrie, Ontario — After a tornado swept through Barrie last Thursday destroying virtually anything in its path, auto recyclers will likely see several total loss vehicles.  “The claims started coming in the day following the tornado. Many vehicles were towed in and many more customers reached out who were still able to safely stay in […]

Viva Veilleux: Patrick Veilleux sells Sherbrooke pièces autos usagées, will join

Toronto, Ontario — Patrick Veilleux has sold his business, Sherbrooke pièces autos usagées to his cousin Eric Veilleux. After many productive years in the automotive recycling realm, Veilleux is not leaving—he has joined to test and “make improvements” to its software. Veilleux was a long-time Member of the Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) Board […]

Setting Sights High: Europe aims to recycle 95 percent of the weight of ELVs

Amsterdam, Netherlands — In Europe, the automotive sector has been tasked with repurposing 95 percent of the weight of End of Life Vehicles (ELV).  Ingrid Niessing, the CEO of the global membership organization ARN that focuses on the vehicle lifecycle, says that the company is extremely involved in helping Europe reach its goal and the […]

Lucasville Looters: More than 60 catalytic converters stolen from school buses in N.S.

Halifax, Nova Scotia — Halifax District RCMP is investigating the theft of more than 60 catalytic converters from school buses in Lucasville. On June 30, Police responded to a report of theft of catalytic converters from a property in Lucasville. More than 60 catalytic converters had been removed from buses on the property. This year […]