Beyond Batteries: IRT holds free webinar on electric vehicle recycling challenges and opportunities

Toronto, Ontario — On May 2nd, the International Roundtable on Automotive Recycling (IRT) hosted the “Beyond Batteries: Mastering the EV Recycling Challenge” webinar.

This free event explored a variety of important topics currently affecting the automotive recycling and electric vehicle (EV) industries.

Specifically, featured speakers—Andreas Frossberg, CEO, Sweden’s National Association of Car Dealers and David Giles, President PoweredEV Training and Consulting—explored the environmental impact of EV batteries if left unrecycled, the valuable materials hidden in EV batteries and their potential for reuse, as well as how automotive recyclers can adapt and thrive in the age of electric vehicles.

To watch the full presentation, click here, and check out the IRT website for future events and webinar sessions.


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