Aging Autos: ARA encouraging use of ROE parts as vehicle ages rise

Manassas, Virginia   The Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) is wanting vehicle owners, insurance companies and repair facilities to increase their use of recycled original equipment (ROE) automotive parts because the age of light vehicles in operation on U.S. roads has risen to 12.1 years, according to IHS Market reports.

Sandy Blalock, ARA executive director, says that because of the rise of light vehicle operations, everyone needs to do their part to make sure every vehicle on the road is in top-quality shape.

“The age of vehicles on the road is at a historic high, increasing from 11.9 years in 2020. Professional automotive recyclers play a vital role in keeping these vehicles in roadworthy condition,” stated Blalock.

As of 2017–the most recent data available–the average age of Canadian vehicles was 9.7 years, according to the Automotive Industries Association of Canada.

IHS market’s recent research suggests the rise in vehicle age is linked to the pandemic and a reduction in new vehicle sales, thanks to economic pitfalls on buyers.

ARA President, Scott Robertson, says that the rise in used vehicle purchases allows for new opportunities moving forward.

“ROE parts can meet the demand for quality, safe replacement parts as these older vehicles are maintained,” said Robertson. “In many cases, new OEM parts may not be available either because the automaker stopped manufacturing the parts or disruptions in the supply chain linger. Even before COVID, the average age of vehicles on the road has been trending up. Every day over 500,000 ROE parts are sold to consumers who want to protect the residual value of their vehicle. ROE parts are the smart choice in today’s replacement parts market.”


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