Beyond Batteries: IRT holds free webinar on electric vehicle recycling challenges and opportunities

Toronto, Ontario — On May 2nd, the International Roundtable on Automotive Recycling (IRT) hosted the “Beyond Batteries: Mastering the EV Recycling Challenge” webinar. This free event explored a variety of important topics currently affecting the automotive recycling and electric vehicle (EV) industries. Specifically, featured speakers—Andreas Frossberg, CEO, Sweden’s National Association of Car Dealers and David […]

CO2e Impact of Recycled Parts: Integrated Car Part Pro Reports Help Net-Zero Goals

Fort Wright, Kentucky — 35 MILLION METRIC TONNES of CO2e.* That’s the potential reduction of carbon emissions annually from’s North American marketplaces, if quotes for top recycled parts are being utilized instead of new parts. That’s the equivalent of 32 percent of annual Canadian driving emissions!† That’s big news for collision industry companies with […]