Calling for Change: U.S. recycler group calls for tighter regulation around catalytic converter theft

Washington D.C., United States — The Washington D.C.-based Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) is calling on U.S. lawmakers to finally clamp down on catalytic converter thefts in the country. Through collaboration with law enforcement and stakeholder groups, ISRI has put together three specific calls to action for U.S. Congress and state legislators to consider, […]
Fluid Faux Pas: St. Catharines metal recycler fined $27,000 for misleading documentation

St. Catharines, Ontario — A St. Catharines, Ont.-based metal recycling facility has come into the crosshairs of the province’s environmental regulator and is now facing more than $30,000 in penalties, according to a late-April news release. Glendale Metal Company, a division of Marine Recycling Corporation, is currently contending with a $27,000 fine, in addition to […]