CENTRAL PARK RECYCLING SOLUTIONS ELECTRIC HELP CALL US TODAY! 289-252-8163 ADDRESS Unit 8-701 Brook Road North, Cobourg, ON K9A 4J8 WEBSITE centralparkrecycling.com Central Park Recycling covers a variety of batteries, including electric vehicle batteries, built-in batteries, consumer batteries and more. Central Park Recycling can make EV batteries less baffling Cobourg, Ontario-based Central Park […]

Car-Part.com CIRCULAR SUPPLY CHAINS CALL US TODAY! 859-344-1925 ADDRESS 1980 Highland Pike Ft Wright, KY 41017 WEBSITE car-part.com Car-Part.com compares collision parts supply chains Auto recyclers are a key part of two circular economies: 1) the parts reuse circular economy and 2) the material recycling circular economy. With the increasing use of rare earth metals […]

BUFFALO ENGINE COMPONENTS Two decades of tremendous growth CALL US TODAY! 716.893.2661 ADDRESS 1824 FILLMORE AVE BUFFALO NY 14214 EMAIL WEBSALES@BUFFALOENGINE.COM Joe Pellitieri, Marc Parisi, Jason Pellitieri, Andy Pellitieri and Rich Watkins Buffalo Engine Components Incorporated is a family-owned and operated core auto parts business in Buffalo, New York. Since 1980, the company has provided roll […]

STARK AUTO SALES A Future-forward Family Business CALL US TODAY! 416-654-7222 ADDRESS 200 Benny Stark Street Toronto, ON M6N 3N4 WEBSITE starkautosales.com With a beautiful website filled to the brim with high quality photos, Stark Auto Sales’ webpage is as engaging as the company it was built for. A family-owned business based out of Toronto, […]

STANDARD AUTO WRECKERS GO FOR GOLD CALL US TODAY! 1-800-668-5014 ADDRESS 1216 Sewells Road Toronto, Ontario M1X1S1 WEBSITE standardautowreckers.com David Gold, co-owner of Standard Auto Wreckers, stands with the certificate of appreciation given to the business by Markham, Ontario, mayor Frank Scarpitti. Standard Auto Wreckers spent 2022 fostering partnerships, advocating for change As the owners […]

MILLER’S AUTO RECYCLING Adjusting and advancing CALL US TODAY! 1.800.263.8104 ADDRESS 1557 Bowen Road at QEW Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 5M4 WEBSITE millersauto.com Natalie Miller of Miller’s Auto Wreckers on dealing with dismantling Miller’s Auto Recycling of Fort Erie, Ontario, saw some of the worst 2021 had to offer, when it came to COVID—yet the […]

Automotive Recyclers of Canada share Plastics Roadmap study results By Steve Fletcher 90 AUTO RECYCLERS SURVEYED Canada has set a 2030 target in the mission to produce zero-plastic waste. It has been estimated that the auto sector produces about 476,000 tonnes of plastic waste annually, or about 17 percent of the total waste plastics generated. […]

MCGREGOR AUTO PARTS BUY, BUY, BUY CALL US TODAY! 519-631-4801 ADDRESS 44267 Elm Line St.Thomas, ON N5P 3S6 WEBSITE mcgregorautoparts.com McGregor brothers remain undaunted in the face of competitive auctions As far longstanding institutions in the Canadian auto recycling industry go, there are few that can say they hold the same achievements as McGregor’s Auto […]

MARITIME AUTO PARTS The 90-year-old business is always growing CALL US TODAY! 1-800-565-7278 ADDRESS 3667 Rushton Road, Hwy 4 Glenholme, Nova Scotia B0M 1G0 WEBSITE maritimeauto.com It’s been 90 years in business for Maritime Auto. Over the years there have been ups and downs, challenges and successes and wonderful people to share many memories with. […]

ISLAND AUTO SUPPLY Endless improvement is the islander way CALL US TODAY! Local: +1 902-892-0138 Toll Free: +1 855-394-1694 ADDRESS 451 Brackley Point Road Charlottetown, PEI C1E 3C2 WEBSITE islandautosupply.com Island Auto owners, Dalbert and Tabitha Livingstone Island Auto Supply took production to the next level this year. The Prince Edward Island recycler welcomed a […]