What about recycling EV batteries?

By Lindsey Cooke Toronto, Ontario — August 30, 2018 — As electric vehicles are becoming more of a hot commodity, it is important to understand how their batteries are recycled. The most common battery in standardized/internal combustion engine vehicles is a lead acid battery, which is typically used as the car’s starter batter. However, electric vehicles (e.g. hybrid, plug-in […]
R-1234yf will be put in all new cars by 2021

By CRM Staff Toronto, Ontario — August 31, 2018 — The R-1234yf refrigerant is becoming more common in the air conditioning systems of vehicles, which means more time and money for collision repairers and insurers. Under an Environmental Protection Agency mandate, R-134a will be taken out and R1234yf will be put in all new cars […]
A new era in auto recycling

By CRM Staff Toronto, Ontario — August 31, 2018 — It’s no surprise that the auto recycling industry is being impacted as new technology advances wihtin vehicles. Kirk Cranley, an auto recycler for Ray Cranley Auto Recycles in Douro, Ont. explained that the business is just not the same. He said that it’s definitely slowing […]