Calling for Change: U.S. recycler group calls for tighter regulation around catalytic converter theft

Washington D.C., United States — The Washington D.C.-based Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) is calling on U.S. lawmakers to finally clamp down on catalytic converter thefts in the country. Through collaboration with law enforcement and stakeholder groups, ISRI has put together three specific calls to action for U.S. Congress and state legislators to consider, […]
Crunching the Numbers: Rates of catalytic converter theft higher than what the numbers reflect, report says

Washington D.C., United States — A new report from the U.S.’s National Salvage Vehicle Reporting Program (NSVRP) gets down to brass tacks on how catalytic converter thefts are costing the insurance industry, and by extension, everyday drivers, more than what initial estimates may reflect. Based on data collected by State Farm, catalytic converter thefts are […]