Misapplied Pressure: Alberta converter theft act hampers legal sales while black market thrives, report says

Edmonton, Alberta — The Protecting Alberta Industry from Theft Act is now more than two years old, and while the legislative changes have made the process of buying catalytic converters more stringent, Albertan auto recyclers are voicing concerns that such sales are still happening regularly—albeit, under the table and off the books. A recent CBC report […]
Cracking Down on Converters: Alberta’s proposed Bill 25 aims to reduce metal theft

Calgary, Alberta — The Albertan government has introduced a new measure aimed at tackling metal thefts, particularly in the automotive industry. On June 18, Bill 25: Protecting Alberta Industry From Theft Act, 2020, was introduced to establish new measures that will make it more difficult for criminals to sell stolen metal for scrap. “Our government has […]
Alberta Government announces funding for electric vehicle network

February 5, 2019 –– The Government of Alberta announced on Monday that they will be providing $1.2 million towards the provinces Peaks to Prairies electric vehicle network. The network will be installing 20 fast-charging stations that will cover more than 1,700 km of southern Alberta highways. Canadian provinces such as Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia have […]