Ontario Auto Recyclers Meet to Discuss Trends

TORONTO ON — March 31 2008 — Ontario will finally be looking into developing a program for recycling used tires. That was the word at the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA) annual convention which took place over the weekend.

Environment Minister John Gerretsen has announced that the government will finally be re-looking the lack of a tire stewardship program in Ontario.

“It’s unacceptable that Ontario is the only jurisdiction in Canada that doesn’t have a tire recycling program right now and that’s why we want to get one going as quickly as possible” said Minister Gerretsen.

In other news Ken Edwards was elected to the OARA Board of Directors replacing Benjy Katz who had stepped down. Wally Dingman Mary Poirier and Trevor Generoux were are all re-elected to the Board.

250 attendees were registered at the event including guests from Allstate Insurance RBC Insurance The Dominion of Canada Insurance Lombard Insurance The Co-operators State Farm CCIF PPG Assured Automotive Ministry of Transportation Autodex Clean Air Foundation Canadian Steel Producers Association Automotive Recyclers Association and recyclers from British Columbia Alberta Manitoba Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

The convention also included a trade show with 30 exhibitors.



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