I-CAR introduces recycled parts for collision repair course

Hoffman Estates Illinois–May 10 2010–I-CAR has announced that it will introduce a new course that provides training on using recycled parts during the collision repair process beginning on May 18.

Recycled Parts for Collision Repair (RCY01) is a four-hour live training course that offers students information on how automotive parts recycling can reduce total losses improve cycle time and potentially result in a less-intrusive repair. Course topics also include the processes of a typical recycled parts facility as well as procedures for inspecting recycled parts and preparing them for installation.

“This program is not about making the business decision around whether or not to use recycled parts but rather one that offers solid guidelines if the decision to use has been made” said Jeff Peevy I-CAR director of field operations. “The industry has indicated this class will be very popular.”

Recycled Parts for Collision Repair provides a comprehensive overview of several aspects of the automotive recycling industry to facility managers technicians and insurance company personnel.

After completing this course the student will be able to:

  • Understand the automotive recycling industry and organizations
  • Describe the benefits of using recycled parts
  • Identify parts that are commonly recycled and those that are not
  • Explain considerations for ordering parts
  • Determine if a part has been previously repaired
  • Understand the steps for preparing and installing recycled parts
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