H&H International becomes “Recyclers Source”

Recyclers source logoNelson British Columbia–February 8 2010–Michael Hoeher president of H&H International Distributors Inc has announced that his company has a new name a new website and an expanded product focus to serve customers in the automotive dismantling and recycling industries.

Under its new identity as Recyclers Source Solutions Inc Hoeher and company will continue to search out today’s most efficient and safest recycling tools and equipment backed by expert planning support and service throughout Canada.

“Our mission at Recyclers Source is to make leading edge technologies locally available at unsurpassed levels of service and affordable prices to improve our customers’ safety environmental performance and profitability” Hoeher said.

H&H International was founded by Rose and Michael Hoeher in 2006 to introduce the professional line of SEDA fluid evacuation tools and systems to Canadian automotive recyclers and to assist SEDA Environmental SEDA’s fully owned US subsidiary based in St. Petersburg Florida to extend its customer base in the United States. Michael Hoeher has become a familiar name in the ELV processing business through his groundbreaking work introducing recyclers to safer and more environmentally responsible methods of recovering fuels lubricants and other fluids from end-of-life vehicles.

Hoeher is active in the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries (CARI) BC Automotive Recyclers Division (B-CAR) and the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA). Hoeher has also served on the US Automotive Recyclers Association’s Technical Advisory Committee since 2007.

“Our new Recyclers Source identity reflects our commitment to become Canada’s preferred single source for the complete range of automotive reclamation tools and equipment” Hoeher said. “We proudly serve full service auto dismantlers self-service recycling operations and metal recyclers with best-in-class recycling solutions. Customers and industry leaders have supported our belief that their businesses are best served by integrated systems tailored to their individual operations. Recyclers Source will supply not only the equipment but the integration expertise they need to ensure the best business solution.”

Based in Nelson BC Recyclers Source recently opened its first sales and service location in eastern Canada. At the new Mississauga office Mark Lucic will provide technical support as well as sales assistance to Recyclers Source customers from Ontario to the Maritimes.

Along with fluid evacuation products from SEDA Environmental Recyclers Source will supply a wide range of specialized dismantling tools such as catalytic converter cutters tire derimmers and airbag activators. The expanding line-up also includes cable shredding equipment and air compressors for operating the various tools. Hoeher is now actively evaluating additional products to round out the company’s “one-stop” systems concept.

“Our vision is to see the recycling industry achieve new standards of safety and environmental leadership” he said. “With our systems approach to these technologies customers are also realizing higher levels of efficiency and profitability. We are making the ‘green’ investment a win-win for recyclers.”



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