By CRM Staff
Toronto, Ontario — August 2, 2018 —The Tire and Rubber Association of Canada biennial Rubber Recycling Symposium is fast approaching, set to get under way November 7 til 8 at the Sheraton on the Falls Hotel in Niagara Falls.
The theme for this year’s event will be ‘taking sustainability to the next level’ and will include international experts and professionals from various fields including the tire and rubber manufacturing sector and the rubber industry. Other guests will include processors, transporters, equipment manufacturers, stewardship organizations and government employees.
Attendees will have the unique opportunity to explore the varied approaches in extended producer responsibility, while also having the chance to compare strategies for delivering and meeting industry goals.
Day one will include a discussion about the global overview of sustainability initiatives in tire recycling, the future and sustainability in tire recycling, the transition to individual producer responsibilities, as well as how to search for sustainable markets.
Day two kicks off with a presentation on the tire industry and concludes with an industry CEO panel discussion.
For more information visit TRAC.