Mat’s Minutes: My first visit to Cyclic Materials; a tour recap

By Mat Dagonas, executive director, Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association

Cyclic Materials is making waves in the recycling industry with its groundbreaking technology and rapid growth. During my recent facility tour, I had the opportunity to witness firsthand how this company is redefining material recovery and setting new standards for sustainability.

At the core of Cyclic Materials’ success is its cutting-edge approach to material recovery. Their proprietary technology allows for the efficient extraction and reuse of rare earth elements and other critical materials that are often lost in traditional recycling processes. By employing advanced separation techniques and innovative processing methods, Cyclic Materials is closing the loop on resource use, ensuring that valuable materials are reintroduced into the supply chain rather than discarded as waste.

The facility, located in Kingston, Ontario, was in a state of change.  They are building a new Hub and with investments in state-of-the-art equipment and strategic partnerships, they also have plans to expand globally.

Then, I was off to a second facility (picture below), where the science meets, well more science! With laboratory coats, incubators, beakers and microscopes, I was impressed by the data driven approach to the techniques.  I think my nine-year-old junior scientist might work here one day…

Cyclic Materials exemplifies how innovation and sustainability can drive industry transformation. As they continue to grow, their impact on resource efficiency and environmental sustainability will only become more profound.

This facility tour was an eye-opening experience. I want to thank their team for taking the time to meet me and bring me “under the hood.”


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