SARA, AARDA announce May conference lineup
Canmore, Alberta — March 24, 2015 — Automotive recyclers from provincial associations in Saskatchewan and Alberta have announced the details of

Hollander launches Snap-It app in North America
Minneapolis, Minnesota — March 18, 2015 Hollander has announced the North American release of Snap-It, a mobile app designed to

Standard Auto Wreckers hosts reporters for discussion on cat thefts
Toronto, Ontario — March 11, 2015 — Standard Auto Wreckers was in the news again twice recently, hosting reporters from CBC

New grants up for grabs with Grants in Gear
Toronto, Ontario — February 25, 2015 — The Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) and Summerhill Impact are again launching Grants

June 2014
2015 Canadian Auto Recycler I’ll give an example. Just a few short years ago a colleague came to me and

August 2014
Recycler When I was quite young, and already supervising others, a situation was presented to me that I was entirely

China may see first ‘car scrappage peak’ in 2015
New York, New York — January 12, 2015 Automotive recycling in China lags behind many developed countries, but that may