Carcone’s Auto Recycling Celebrates 30th Anniversary

AURORA ON — April 14 2008 — Change is a constant in the collision repair industry and no less so in the automotive recycling business.

Carcone’s Auto Recycling has been in the forefront of that change since the doors first opened in 1978. Located in Aurora ON Carcone’s Auto Recycling celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The business was founded by Tony Carcone father of the current owner Michael Carcone. Although Carcone’s Auto Recycling has been in the same location since first opening for business the location itself has changed drastically. For proof of this take a look at the photos on the left. The top one is from 1978 soon after the facility opened. The second shows the recycler as it today.

It isn’t just the buildings that have changed. In 1978 Tony Carcone employed three people. Today the staff at Carcone’s Auto Recycling has grown to 49 people in two divisions. The second division is wheel refinishing which was added in 1996. The business has continued to advance grow and change over the years with the wheel refinishing division attaining the coveted ISO designation. This isn’t something simply handed to a company. It’s something that must be earned and the process of earning it is not something that can be approached casually.

“It takes a lot of effort to get that status” says Michael Carcone. “You have to document everything.”

Besides growing in staff and adding a completely new division other aspects of the business have changed over the years. According to Michael Carcone there was a time long ago when inventory was tracked by memory and locations of salvage vehicles noted by reference to landmarks. Those days are long gone.

Today the auto recycling facility is fully computerized and everything that comes in is bar coded for easy   inventory management.  Michael Carcone has seen all these changes first hand. Starting in the business as in his words “a pain in the ass kid” he’s truly grown up with the recycling industry in his blood.

Many things may have changed in the last 30 years but the focus of the business remains the same. “Our main customers are still professional repairers” says Carcone. “I’d like to thank all of our staff as well as our customers past present and future for helping us to achieve the milestone of our 30th anniversary.” For more information on Carcone’s Auto Recycling please visit



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