JLM METAL RECYCLING AND AUTO PARTS CHALLENGE MAKES THE PRIZE SWEETER CALL US TODAY! Hagersville: 905-768-7000 Waterford: 519-443-7999 ADDRESS 1071 Concession 11 Townsend, Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0 250 County Road 20, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 WEBSITE jlmrecycling.ca JLM Metal Recycling’s two locations: Waterford, Ontario (bottom) and Hagersville, Ontario (top). That’s the truth for JLM Metal […]

BODYLINE AUTO RECYCLERS ALL TOGETHER NOW CALL US TODAY! Hamilton: 905.573.7000 Toronto: 416.777.2577 Toll Free: 1.800.263.1329 ADDRESS 3 Birmingham St Hamilton, ON L8L 0C4 WEBSITE bodyline.ca Bodyline Auto Recyclers is riding the winner’s wave It’s business as usual at Bodyline Auto Recyclers in Hamilton, Ontario. As the facility acclimated with the changing times and trends, […]

COWAN ARE YOU INSURANCE READY? Position yourself for insurability CALL US TODAY! 1 (866) 912-6926 ADDRESS 705 Fountain Street North PO Box 1510 Cambridge, ON N1R 5T2 WEBSITE cowangroup.ca/recyclers Ryan Burns is a Commercial Account Executive at Cowan Insurance Group. For more information on insuring recycling operations or to reach Ryan directly, email […]
Cardinal Couriers

Cardinal Couriers Solutions in a flash CALL US TODAY! (800) 387-3199 ADDRESS 6600 Goreway Dr. Unit D Mississauga, ON L4V 1S6 WEBSITE cardinalcouriers.com Since 1978, Cardinal Couriers has earned a reputation for waking up with the farmers. Committed to making rural deliveries before 8 a.m., Cardinal doesn’t make the Ontario agricultural community waste time awaiting […]

CARCONE’S AUTO RECYCLING & WHEEL REFINISHING INDUSTRY ENRICHMENT CALL US TODAY! 1-800-263-2022 ADDRESS 1030 Bloomington Rd. Aurora, Ontario L4G 0L7 WEBSITE carcone.com EVs are on the horizon—and preparation at Carcone’s Auto Recycling starts now Carcone’s Auto Recycling was recognized by the Aurora Chamber of Commerce as one of the best family run business in 2022. […]

Automotive Recyclers Association recognized as a critical player in combatting catalytic converter theft By Emil Nusbaum Over the last two years, the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) has been working with US legislators, regulators, law enforcement, industry stakeholders, and state affiliates on providing effective solutions to deter catalytic converter theft. Professional automotive recyclers have been primary […]

Becky Berube serves the recycling community as president of United Catalyst Corporation, is a member of the Automotive Recycling Association’s Educational Programming Committee and is a past president of the International Precious Metals Institute. An updated platinum group metals outlook for 2023 and beyond By Becky Berube Back in July, we at United Catalyst Corporation […]

Amanda James is a fourth-generation auto recycler, but she does things her own way By Kate Ng and Allison Rogers When you’ve spent your entire life around the recycling industry, it would be easy to choose one way of operating and never change a thing. But that’s not how Amanda James does things. The daughter […]
Johnson Auto Wreckers

JOHNSON AUTO WRECKERS Reaping riches through smelting and refinement CALL US TODAY! (819) 467-2009 ADDRESS 35 Cawood Road Danford Lake, QC WEBSITE johnsonautowreckersplus.com It has been a big year for Johnson Auto Wreckers out in Danford Lake, Quebec. The company’s second-generation owner, Gary Johnson, was appointed to a position on the board of representatives for […]

Ed Plazek has always aimed higher By Steve Fletcher Ed Plazek bought his first vehicle while in high school and his original plan was to fix it and drive it. A guy came along and asked, “what do you want for the fenders off that thing?” Ed said, “I don’t know… how’s $20?” The fellow […]